Since 2007, we have led the effort to pray for Unborn Children and their Mothers and Fathers in the Diocese of Trenton, NJ.  We work with your parish, respect life group, and priest to provide you with all you need to perform the Spiritual Adoption of the Unborn Child Prayer.  Everything we do and provide is free of charge.


Our Mission

The objective of the Unborn Baby Prayer Blanket Ministry is one of outreach to parishes to promote the Spiritual Adoption Program in a unique and special way -- through the Unborn Baby Prayer Blankets.

“This program will knit your parish together in prayer for the unborn child.”
— Raymond - God's Little Lamb


What we will provide you with:

  • We will provide your parish with an information packet on the Spiritual Adoption for the Unborn Child Prayer Program including step by step instructions, pulpit announcement, bulletin updates, and a manual for crocheters.

  • We will visit your parish Respect Life group and/or Priest to explain the program in detail.

  • If you are not comfortable making the Mass announcement we will provide you with a speaker to make the pulpit announcement (3 to 5 min) at all Masses on the weekend your parish launches the program.

  • We will provide your parish with 200 Unborn Baby Prayer Blankets (6"x6"), 100 will be decorated with the remaining 100 to be decorated by your parish members as they wish.

How to begin the program (Unborn Baby Prayer Blanket directions):

  1. Find parishioners who crochet/knit to volunteer to make 6" x 6" unborn baby blankets.

  2. Decorate the blankets with miraculous medals, prayer cards.

  3. Place the blankets in zip lock bags with information tract.

  4. Blankets will be distributed to the parishioners who wish to pray for the Unborn Child.

  5. Blankets must be ready and decorated prior to the day the program begins.

Please use only pink, blue and white colors.  Medals and "Life before Birth" tracts can be directly purchased at cost from God's Little Lamb.  Once your blankets are ready proceed with How To Begin the Spiritual Adoption Prayer in Your Parish.

The most common crochet pattern is the "Granny Square".  These are the small squares that are usually knit together to form larger blankets.  We call them Unborn Baby Prayer Blankets.  There are other patterns you may use and we include them in our information package.